The ceremony and reception were actually in a nearby Au, Illertissen, Germany. The ceremony was in the most darling church and we walked down the street to the beautifully decorated reception hall. Being a tourism major, the bride really used her skills to plan an amazing reception - excellent food, beautiful decorations, and the couple's friends chipped in to entertain us throughout the night with quizzes, games for the couple, poems, and dancing.

Mozambique and naturally Australia and the US!

And who doesn't want Spaetzli (small potato dumplings) with gravy day or night?
Having the guests as entertainment was something new to us and we really enjoyed it - it gave the reception a lot of personality and enabled you to learn a lot about the couple through their friends and family. We loved one game in particular. The friends of the bride and groom prepared a list of about 15 questions - eg. Who are the parent's of the groom? Who met the couple while overseas? Who has changed the groom's diapers? Who is responsible for the couple meeting? etc.
And instead of the guests answering the questions, the questions were read aloud and the guests stood up if the question applied to them. So for example, we stood up when the question 'Who met the couple while overseas?' was read aloud. Then the bride and groom had to guess what the question was based on who was standing! It was genius. It's a great idea to introduce everyone and have some laughs.
The menu was excellent. Schwaebische Hochzeitsuppe or wedding soup of the Schwaebisch region, how fitting, for starters, followed by a fresh salad and the peppery pork (above) with Spaetzli or Spaetzle as a main. Then for dessert you could choose between vanilla ice cream with berry sauce or Schnapps. Later in the evening the couple cut the cake and a huge dessert buffet and coffee were on offer. Delicious... and the wine and spirits and good spirits, naturally, flowed through the night.

If you missed Part 1 of the wedding adventure you can read it here.
Hi! MrsMac suggested I read this post, as I'm thinking of giving out some kind of prizes/doing some kind of game at our rehearsal dinner to make things more interactive. This sounded like fun!
Hello Lisa! Thanks for reading.
Yeah, that game was genius. You will have to have someone else put the questions together for you though because half the fun is the fact that the bride and groom had to guess the question. Some of their guesses were really funny! Like one was "I have changed the groom's diaper" and the Mom, grandma, auntie, and I think big sis stood up and that was a really tough one for the groom to guess!!! Have fun with the questions!
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