Recent IM conversation with Jace...
Jace says: Yellow yaks yell at your yoyos
Jace says: when you have mastered that sentence I can pass you to the next level
Jace says: Zack zooms to the zoo on his zoomer.
Jessica says: Yellow yaks yell at your yoyos
Jace says: that will help as well
Jessica says: Zack zooms to the zoo on his zoomer.
Jessica says: Yes! I did not even have to backspace once!
Jessica says: Zack zooms to the zoo on his zoomer! Yes!
Jace says: Jolly Jessica juggles jam
Jace says: hehehe
Jessica says: that is not z or y!
Jace says: all these tongue twisters
Um, let me explain. The German keyboard is a bit different than the English keyboard. In addition to having all the letters with umlaut (ä, ö, and ü...), there are a few keys in different places as well... for example the question mark and the number sign and other random punctutation marks.
But the one that will get you every time is the placement of Y and Z on the German keyboard. They are swapped. So all day I end up having to backspace out of ridiculous spelling errors like, "Are zou going to lunch now?" and "Wow du hast ein sehr speyialer Yoo?" Ok that last one I made up, but you get the picture. It's a pain.
So Jace found some fun tongue twisters for me to practice during a particularlz... damn particularly slow period on Friday afternoon last week, and they helped. I think.
Yello yaks yell at your yo yos.
Zak zooms to the zoo in his zoomer.
Now if only I didn't have to switch back and forth for my work and private laptops! Doh!
We have a Swiss keyboard but my husband has it set up for the French keyboard meaning many of the letters do not match what is written. It is ok when I type in English but when I type in French it is a big pain because I can't remember where all the accents are!!!
I actually type better on the French keyboard now than the American one.
I have trouble with Danish keyboard, but I'm getting used of it.
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