Above is the amazing moussaka that we shared as an appetizer after sipping our aperitif, some really potent ouzo. It is a baked dish with minced meat, eggplant, tomato sauce, and white sauce, baked to perfection with some cool feta on top. Heavenly.
We also shared this really delicious baked feta in aluminum foil. That was the exact name of the dish, and we got that and a whole lot more. I have no idea what the spices on this baby were (if you know, please tell me as I would enjoy creating this myself sometime! - as would the feta loving Jace!!!) but it was tangy and fruity somehow and really mellow from having been baked.
I do not have the name of the Greek restaurant that we devoured this at, but as soon as Mike tells me, I will post the name. Bon appetite! :)
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Muchas gracias! Me alegro de que te gusta el blog. Publica tu dirección de blog aquí (tiene dos, ¿cuáles?) Y voy a ver! Gracias por el comentario!
(Ps. how is my Spanish? I have forgotten much of my Spanish so admit I cheated and used the Google Translator! hehe.. Gracias y buen dia!)
I have yet try a real Moussaka. It looks so delicious.
God mine!!
I would eat that neither by all gold of the world Am new in this of blog and or am experimenting in other people's countries. I invite to him to visit my blog.
Por cierto, mi inglés no es muy bueno. Soy español.
Hi there, did you ever find out the name? I work near Kaiserstuhl and would LOVE some good Greek food for lunch! Thanks :)
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