Sunday, September 28, 2008

Switzerland: All aboard for the walk to school!

Here is a quick followup to the post on Sept. 15 - Welcome to Fall - School has started.

An article came across my Google reader that says a whopping 7 out of 10 students walk to school in Switzerland! Wow... compared to only 10% in the US. Of course the geography here has something to do with it - schools are generally closer to home than in the States, and Switzerland is way safer than the US it seems... but still, that number just blows by mind... 70%... get those kiddies some good shoes. ;)

Switzerland: All aboard for the walk to school!: "In Switzerland walking is still the most important mode of transport during the period of compulsory schooling. Seven out of ten primary school children walk to school, compared with only ten per cent of schoolchildren in the United States."


N said...

When I lived in Taiwan I walked to school every day. Also, the schools I attened in Canada, are right next to my house.

I've seen many kids taking the bus, the bike or walk to school in Denmark.

naechstehaltestelle said...

I watched a little group of kids the other day learn to cross the street with the help of a police guard. She patiently told him to wait until all the cars had stopped and then to cross. I was in my car, stopped at the crosswalk. The kid took about 10 minutes to walk totally across, he was so scared. It was so cute.

Adrian said...

I think it's not only the geography it's also the fact that in Switzerland they rather build a new school than drive kids to school in a school bus. And that's only for school years 1 till 9. In my hometown of less than 5,000 people we had THREE schools!

And US statistics probably take 10-12 also into account.


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