I know. I am not proud, but I feel as though I did it partly out of hunger and mostly out of "Pflicht"... a word I hear a lot in German, meaning "duty." I mean, what kind of American traveler would I be if I didn't visit a McDonald's outside of the U.S. of A. every once in awhile to review cultural differences. Right? I am glad we agree.
And while I knew that within a few minutes I would be at least 4 kg. heavier, at least my wallet was instantly lighter.... 25 CHF lighter! OUCH! Who ever heard about a McDonald's meal for two costings the equivalent of $25. Wowzers. Again, remember, there was no shortage of people willing to pay for the Big Mac, oh no. Did someone say Recession? Perhaps Mickie D's is recession proof?!?!
I admit. The meal hit the spot, but let me just say that it was not what I remembered it being from the States. This picture does not do it justice, but the Big Mac in Switzerland is TINY. SMALL. MINUTE. Let me just say it - IT IS NOT BIG AT ALL!
Literally, Jace ate the burger in no more than 4 bites. Now I am all for being health conscious and one for portion control, but heck, if I want a BIG Mac, it should be BIGGGG. Disappointed. Ich bin SUPER BIG enttäuscht. Truly. But then... this made it all better...
It's part of the Swiss Week special. And the sign says it all: "With a ciabatta roll, fine Vacherin-melted cheese, grated Gruyere cheese and an unbelievable fondue sauce." It is so Swiss, they don't even mention the actual meat. Hoot.
Anyone else have an interestesting Swiss McDonald's story? One Big Yodel has a good one - but I can't help but feel more ripped off that they had a dinner for six for $60 compared to my $25 dinner for 2!!! The Sixty Dollar McDonald's Dinner...
This is too good to pass up... here are the sandwiches that will be on offer during the Swiss Week! :) Oh yes, there is a McEmmentaler too... one guess what it contains!!!! (ps. guessing a cheese is a good bet). More info...
The portion is US is bigger than other countries. When I go to US the size is doubled!
McDonald's very expensive in Denmark as well.
I’m deeply shocked: 25 CHF for 2 colas + 2 fries + 2 sandwiches with mayonnaise?! Switzerland is really a very expensive country ;)
PS: We and our 2 friends have a pact not to eat by McDonald’s too! It was hard for me, until one day we were coming back from a mountain trip and were pretty hungry. Ok, I admit, we were starving. So, suddenly we saw the first restaurant on the highway – McDrive. We ordered some things and I won’t describe you, what happened with my stomach & body later, but believe me, since that day (many years ago) I have never touched any a’la food from McDonald’s...
When we go to McDonalds (not often) we always spend over 40CHF since we are a family of five. If we get sundies it is over 50CHF. So, we just go to the restaurant in Coop or Migros and eat really well for the same price.
I also think maybe the pricey McDonald's is a way to encourage citizens not to eat junk food. Yes or no?
The Polish reality – I’ve just checked it in web:
Big Mac Menu Medium (Cola + fries + sandwich) = 13,90 PLN
Mayonnaise = 1,00 PLN
So, Jessica would pay: 13,90 PLN +13,90 PLN + 1,00 PLN + 1,00 PLN = 29,80 PLN
In CHF = ca.12,92
By the way, I don’t think eating by McDonald’s is cheap anyway. A delicious self-made sandwich with yummy vegetables and cheese, a cup of tee and salad mix would be much cheaper. But they don’t sell vitamins or healthy food, am I right? What they sell is only a really tiny piece of your time.
PS: Has anyone seen the film „Super Size Me” ;)
Wow. It is expensive, isn't it, Joanna? Thanks for doing the math! I now have another reason to really stick to the pact and not eat any more McDonald's.
I, too, would rather eat at Coop or Migros Restaurants - these are grocery stores that have restaurant cantinas or cafeterias with really nice meal options.
Next time we are at the airport, perhaps we will just pick up something at Coop to take home! And then we can also afford to retire one day. :)
They used to have the Ticino burger....
And pictures of Heidi on the trays. McD's in Switzerland is so kitchy & cute for some reason!
Agreed, portions are small in Europe and Asia... actually, let me rephrase: portions are huge in North America!
Meals are usually bigger in the USA than in Canada.
McDo is expensive in France too... I couldn't believe how cheap it was in Canada.
What gets me are the prices of the drinks. I mean, come on, it costs them like 2 cents to fill up a soda. Although I don't mind paying more to actually have ice in my drink. It's a nice change of pace!
I miss McDonalds ala Indonesia. They have rice and chilli sauce and all :D
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