This is my friend Sarah. I miss her.
Sarah and I met at my last job in Boston. If she tells you the story, it sounds like I coveted her. And well, I don't care if I did because whatever I did, I got her. She will say that I followed her into the bathroom and introduced myself, but this is coming from the girl who bonded with me while sitting in an underground parking lot while she participated in a strange weekly ritual of sitting in and turning on her car to make sure it still worked... no driving... just sitting...!? Regardless of how we met, since then we have had a lot of great times and I can't imagine my time in Boston without her. Let's just say, I really miss the girl.
But I don't have to worry about it too long, because low and behold, Sarah is coming to visit this month!
I am always so honored and excited when people want to visit me, and I am especially excited about Sarah's visit. I think she really needs and deserves an awesome time here and I want to do it right.
The thing is... Sarah is all over the blog. It is like she has done and seen it all already by following our adventures and chatting with me online. So I want to give her something new! Something fun but nothing too laborious (no sweating, ok!?) ;) So I need some help! What should we do the weekend she is here?!
Post your ideas in the comments and I will push them past Sarah for the thumbs up... Have a great weekend!
Reading your posts sure seem as if I'm physically traveling with you. However, it's not the same when you step in the land with 4 official languages.
I do not know anything about Switzerland, but maybe you can venture in the major cities of each region.
I would like to see photos of cities that you haven't visited. I hope I helped.
I agree with Bluefish in that reading about it on a blog and actually doing it yourself are two different things. I think no matter what you do she will be happy to see another country and city or village.
Most of all, I think it will be great that you two are spending time together. It is wonderful that your friend is coming for a visit!!!
Get her a big sausage!!! ;)
Hey, I have given you an award. Please check my blog:)
Well, I know Burger loves her some chocolate, so you should definitely be getting a ton of that.
She also loves red meat, so take her for a Zurich meat-tasting crawl. At least, that's what I'd make her do if she came to visit my hometown of Kansas City.
Then, find her one of those rich, Armani-wearing investment bankers Zurich is so famous for...
Um, well, actually, come to think of it, they might be a bit light in the wallet right now themselves, so best scratch that...
show her what the swiss are known for, and put together a tour that involves: snow/ski, cheese, chocolate, money and watches. something like a trip to a nearby mountain (snow/ski) , have fondue there (cheese), go to a chocolate factory, and then go spend money on watches. Ok, the last part probably wont work, but you get the idea. good luck and i am sure you'll let us know what you did later.
Who let wordboy post a comment on your blog? I'd block "him" if I were you...
Okay Jessica! Now that Sarah has arrived ... tell us what exciting things you both have experienced during her visit! Lots of pics please..so we can follow the american touring Switzerland. Also, remind Sarah that it's okay to bring home some of that awesome chocolate for her favorite 'aunt'. Await the breath-taking photos!
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