What did we get up to during her visit? Well here's the rundown, and pictures and details are to follow in this week's posts:
Sarah arrived and I picked her up late - sorry that I am such a crap friend, again... and we took the train home, stopping for a bit of lunch and some milk serum. Sarah freshened up before I took her on my standard visitor tour (more details later) through Zurich, stopping for the view on top of Lindenhof and to buy some chocolate. We had a drink at the Australian Bar, well decorated for Halloween, where we met up with Jace and then it was off to the Blinde Kuh for dinner.
We had a slow start, but eventually we made it back into town for a walk around Niederdorfstrasse and lunch at a very traditional Swiss spot, Johanitter Restaurant. We then went to the Wine Messa - 12 boats on the Zurich See, full of wine to try! We had plans to go to Baden for dinner and a soak in the baths, but we pooped out and stayed in instead.
This was our rest day, and we took it very seriously... that meant homemade muffins, risotto, Cosmos, Diary of a Call Girl, Raclette, Sex in the City the movie, and pajamas. Great day! ;)
Sarah was on her own and you will have to ask her what she got up to! ;) We met up for dinner after work at another great Swiss restaurant, the Zeughauskeller. We were going to have a meter long wiener... but in the end we decided it was too much for us to handle. I am still so disappointed, as I had at least 145 jokes I was going to break out with the photos of a three foot wiener. Next time. ;) The city was beautiful last night, and we walked around Niederdorfstrasse again, stopping for schnapps and coffee at a wine bar - go figure.
Today, Tuesday:
I took off the day to see Sarah off. We chatted and went for a long lunch at the local rumor mill restaurant, the Steinerhof - best Geschnetzeltes I have ever had... then I took Sarah to the airport... sniff, sniff.
I cannot wait to share more details. I will also update this post later this week with links to the other posts. Stay tuned, and Sarah: Thanks again for coming to visit. It means a lot to me. AND... Email me as soon as you get home... even before you email Joe. ;) I hope you had a safe trip home.
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