Monday, December 1, 2008

Christmas Advent Day 1: Apfelchuechli mit Vanillesause

Advent Day 1: Öpfelchüücheli

I was at a Christmas market on the weekend, more details tomorrow, and saw a line, a big line, and lots of satisfied customers, and I knew I had to have what they were having... no matter what it was. And as I got closer, I knew exactly what it was, and thanks to a blog visitor name rosti, my mouth was watering just from the name alone - Öpfelchüücheli... ahh, thy name alone doth delicious make.

I knew from rosti's comments that I was in for a treat...
"What you def. do want to eat at a street fair is Apfelchücheli! (also sometimes spelled Öpfelchüücheli)...battered, deep fried apple rings with vanilla sauce...yummm...but let them cool before you sear your mouth on boiling hot apple! Not that I know that from experience, of course, I am always very patient! haha..."
Thanks for the tip, Rosti, as these babies were DELISH. And I don't care if the lady manning the stand thought I was a stalker because of all the photos I took. I was into the deep fried apples in a big way and I wasn't going away without some great shots to share with all of you!

So after waiting until there was a break in the line, I jumped in and ordered my Öpfelchüücheli. They make them fresh in front of you - poor girl that has to fry the apples all night long - and you get about 5 apple rings for CHF 7. Then you get to choose whether you want vanilla sauce or cinnamon sugar on top and well... this isn't a diet blog, is it? So... I got them both! And I am not looking back.

Oh Öpfelchüücheli... how I love thee, let me count the ways:
  1. You are so apple-y and fried, yummmm...
  2. I love your vanilla sauce and steamy hot goodness, and
  3. I love dipping you in the collecting sauce and getting your sticky goodness all over my gloves. Heaven has arrived.
Oh, Öpfelchüücheli... thank you for bringing the Christmas delights (cinnamon, spice and everything nice...) into me belly in a big big way. Thanks again, Rosti. You were so right... and thanks to you I didn't even burn my tongue. ;)


Anonymous said...

What a cool idea - counting down to Christmas! I look forward to it! Your post has made me hungry! But seriously, Opfelchuechli are my most favourite thing in the world. I even biked for 2 kilometres up a steep hill with two kids in tow to get to some of these babies a couple of months ago. Mmmmh!

Susan May said...

I had some on Saturday at the Zurich HB market - yummmmm. Sadly, I was hasty and did indeed burn the roof of my mouth. Your photos are great, by the way.

JuanitaTortilla said...

Oh dammit. I'm going to the HB this afternoon with my parents, and I'm going to HAVE to get those deep fried apples to go.

(Why are you trying to make me chubbier?!)

Jessica said...

I am glad everyone is so excited about the first advent - the Apfelchuechli! :)

I am sorry, Juanita, but it is my last goal in life to see that you are fat and happy. . . I hope it is working! Enjoy!!!

Suzer said...

I tried to go to the market while passing through Zurich on Friday. NOT a good idea. There were absolutely no open parking garages.
Do you have any suggestions about where to park and get a tram into the city? I want Apfelchuechli too!

Chantal said...

Would you be interested in having you and your blog profiled in Swiss News? The idea is in the works, but I would need a little further info about you and your blog. I will email you and hope it doesn't get spammed this time. :)

Habemos Borogodó said...

Mmmmmm! Reading your blog and seeing the pictures from thousands of miles away is torture!I guess it won't be easy to find fried apple rings in Brazil...

Anonymous said...

Those fried apples look great. Anyone know if they exist in Suisse Romande, and if so, what their French name is?


The Primetime family said...

That looks delics! How was Thanksgiving?

Anonymous said...

yum yum yummy, those look amazing!!!
You have a great sense of humor, I read all of your posts and had some good laughs, you make me wana visit Switzerland now!! Always wanted to, but you just brought it to life for me, thanks ^___^

Take care,


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