On Sunday, Jace and his mates completed the
Wintertour (half) marathon. Put another tick by a personal goal and Jace did it and did it well - especially considering the sweltering heat - 31 degrees C or 87 degrees F on the day! Wowzers!
Above and below are before shots of the happy go lucky pre-half marathoners.

And then almost 22 km later...

... the after shots. I think I looked more shattered than they did, standing in that heat for 2 hours and 20 minutes. They were in great spirits - but wouldn't you be if you completed a 22 km race?! What an achievement. Way to go babe... that is awesome!

After the race...
Here Jace shows his time... not last in his age category! Good work, babe! :)

Ps. Thanks to Rach and Stu for hosting us for the weekend. We had a great time.
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Hooray for Jace!!!! Finishing is such a great feeling. Congrats.
Congrats Jace - that's such an accomplishment!!!! I was considering trying to do that at the end of the triathlon... Am I nuts or what????
Go Jace!!!!
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