For the last 7 years Zurich has rocked the charts on the Mercer international quality of living survey at number 1 (including last year, see my post here), and this year, to much upset we have come in at number 2. You know that number 2 is the first loser, right? You know that inspector found that one cigarette butt that wasn't picked up... MAN! I am soooo disappointed. I think our swans are perhaps not as white as the Wiener swans, and their strudel is better... I guess they have a point there.
All in all though, it came down to peanuts. I think someone said that in Zurich you have to wait with like 424 other people to look at an apartment on the market and in Vienna you only have to wait with like 421 people, so they have a better quality of living... obviously.
Honestly though, I will take number 2 - especially considering that no where in the States made it into the top 20. PATHETIC. Two Australian cities were in the top 20 - Sydney (10) and Melbourne (18). Perth was 21... not too shabby.
Read the full Mercer quality of living survey results here...
Read the Swissinfo article here: Vienna pips Zurich in city ranking
And knowing the Swiss' competitive streak with Austria - you can bet we will be back on the 1st ranking next year, just you wait and see. ;)
This is an essential and the latest edition is due out in July. Pre-Order your copy today! Living and Working in Switzerland, 12th Edition: A Survival Handbook
And Vienna does let you go to the Opera for 2 Euros. You can't even sneeze in Zurich Opera parking lot for 2 Euros.
Having lived in both cities, I'm going to have to say that Zurich is still #1 for me. :)
Just a quick question.... Is it a co-incidence that we now have a woman mayor???::::::::)))))) Is this a co-incidence? I think this is a shocking turn of events... (joking obviously but cant shake the feeling)
We're number 3!!!
WHAT???!!!??? No waaaaayyyy.....
Maybe it was the weather that did it.
Alright, now I'm disappointed. That person who made Zürich #2 better 'fess up.
Wait, is it also because the people of this so-called "German speaking part of Switzerland" don't speak Hoch Deutsch?!?
That's it! I'm moving!
No... My hometown is the best in Brazil in the 105° position, so #2 is still great.
Next year we'll be back on 1st ;-)
Ha! When I was in vienna a few weeks ago I said: "I'm going to move here". Guess I somehow felt that there is a shift of powers about to take place... :)
Switz did get 2 out of the top 5 though, so that's gotta even something out?!
It's like the U.S. News & World Report (for Colleges & Universities).
They must switch it up a bit sometimes. Or they look staid & unobjective.
But those here in ZH know the true status! (ie, number 1) :)
Just a few more flowers in your window boxes people, and Zurich can re-capture the #1 position!
Have you heard of that?
Now apparenly we're the second-most boring City in Europe too (after Brussels). Hmmmmm, we've certainly gotten some bad press lately.
Ok, I'm going out on the streets to make sure no more cigarette butts were left behind. This is serious business people. Sehr disappointed, but still feeling awfully lucky to live in the #2 city -- which we shall not forget, was #1 for the past 7 years. And Vienna, you were what all those years? Yup, that's what I thought. We'll be back next year... You and your Mozart balls, just wait and see! ;)
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