Remember this guy?
This pick your own strawberry field is in Urdorf right across from Migros and Spitzacker and from June until the beginning of July you can go and get your fill of delicious, fresh picked strawberries for just CHF 2.50 per 500 g! It is a steal and these babies are delish. There are heaps of these fields all over Switzerland at the moment, so keep your eyes peeled for signs along the side of the road.Well he is back, and he is packing a mean basket of tasty strawberries! On Saturday, after we went to Basel (post and photos tomorrow), we were walking back home and I saw this guy out of the corner of my eye and immediately knew despite the fatigue and heat, I needed to pick some strawberries!
There are some rules though about how you go about picking them. This is Switzerland afterall - it would be odd if there weren't.
Rule 1: Stick to your row. You will get a number. Make freakish noises and throw bad strawberries at those that try to creep into your row and steal your strawberries. I like to froth a bit at the mouth as well...
Rule 2: Pick all the strawberries in your row that are edible, and those that are not you either place in the bucket you were given or in the middle of the row to be disposed of. You are the laborer now and you are rewarded with a cheap bounty, so do your duty!
Rule 3: When you get to the spot where you are going to stop in the row, put the stake in the ground so that the next person knows where to start.
(These rules are specific to Urdorf, but I am sure they are similar everywhere...)
Follow these rules and you will be rewarded with some of the sweetest, most delicious strawberries you have ever eaten! And do not eat any on the field, ok...? That is so tacky... there are other things you should not do on the field, too - read last year's post for details!
Check out that bounty... just CHF 7 for the lot!!!
Got Strawberry Fields Fever? Want more?
Check out this video from last year:
Got Strawberry Fields Fever? Want more?
Check out this video from last year:
Living and Working in Switzerland, 12th Edition: A Survival Handbook. This is an essential for anyone thinking about living in Switzerland. Buy it now via Amazon UK
Ok, really, I want to go strawberry picking like, NOW !! Oh my goodness, so fun ! And seriously, what a deal, can't believe that amazing price. And especially for strawberries that look so flavorful and so juicy, I can practically taste them. Ok, so it helps that I'm actually snacking on some strawberries as I read this ! ;)
And of course there are rules. It wouldn't be strawberry picking in Switzerland otherwise. But ... not tasting as you pick ? I mean, isn't that part of the fun ?! I don't mean like tasting 300 grams worth, but like 1 or 2 ?! I think if you did get caught, you just might actually risk that permit of yours, ha ha!
Love the video, go Jace ! And last year's story, oh my. I won't ruin it for those that haven't read it yet, but didn't see where that story was going.....
Awesome post ! Love it !
TOO many rules!!!! Looks delicious though!
I miss strawberry picking in California. :( No rules there!!!
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