Monday, July 13, 2009

I'm 28 and feeling great! Happy Birthday to me.

This weekend just past Jace and I went to Prague as a bit of a birthday present for us both... I was itching to go. I will post photos this week so stay tuned!

Another birthday abroad. Looking back, I think I have had more birthdays abroad in the last 10 years than birthdays at home. Adding it up, I have only had 3 birthdays in the States in that time. Wow... and this is my second birthday in Switzerland, as I celebrated here last year!

Apart from the mini-break to Prague I am celebrating at work - I brought in an American specialty that also uses some of my garden finery: zucchini bread (which I have realized after much commentary is really zucchini cake...) and a few chocolates. It is my duty as the birthday girl to do so - such is the tradition at my work. In addition to all the birthday greetings and kisses (3 on the cheek) I also got a lovely card from all of my co-workers and a gift certificate to Orelli Fusseli. I think that is really quite a nice gesture!

Thanks for following the blog and for sharing my 28th with me! :)
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JuanitaTortilla said...

I owe you a chocolate / hazelnut wafer! :D

Jessica said...

LOL I say you do! :) Thanks for the comment on Facebook, too. I had a great weekend to celebrate the big 28... er I mean 21. :)

Habemos Borogodó said...

Happy birthday! Now you're 21 you can legally drink alcohol in the US, right? That deserves a celebration :-)

Anneliese said...

Happy birthday!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Jessica!
Dani from Como :)

Romy said...

Happy Birthday, Jessica! Glad to hear it was a good one, I'll be looking forward to reading about Prague...

SwissTwist said...

Happy Birthday!!! Looks like you had a lovely break in Prague.

Here's wishing you a wonderful, adventurous year ahead!!!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! I remember celebrating my 28th in Switzerland. Nobody knew! And I worked until 9pm that night... Oh well...

The Zuchini bread sounds incredible!

Tina said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Hope you had a FAB time in Prague. That's a wonderful city to drink and be merry on a special day like that!

Habebi said...

Happy Birthday to You!! Can't wait to see more pics of Prague!

Kerrin @ MyKugelhopf said...

H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y !!!

Wow, nice birthday present too - Prague ! Very cool. Can't wait to read all about it. My parents are visiting in the fall, and we're probably going to Prague (and maybe Budapest too) for their 40th anniversary! Can't wait.

Oh, and um, did you say zucchini cake? Helloooo recipe please ?! :)

Kristi said...

Can't think of a better place to ring in a birthday...$2 beer everywhere in a city that rhymes with blog. Happy Birthday!


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