Monday, July 20, 2009

Worldwide Photo Walk (Help!)

1. Reflections of you.
Saturday afternoon, amazingly during a dry spell, I took part in the 2nd annual Worldwide Photo Walk in Zurich. Over 900 cities around the world took part in the walk, organized in part by the notorious Scott Kelby with help from sponsors and local organizers around the world.

The goal: Walk around with a group, take some shots, meet new people, enjoy photography, and win great prizes. Who knows if I will win anything - most likely not. But I had a lot of fun watching all the photo enthusiasts scurrying around Zurich, shooting up a storm... and I got a lot of fun shots! But don't take my word for it - see for yourself!

Ps. This is where I need your help! I have to submit 2 photos to the Walk site/competition. Here are those that I liked. What do you think? Help! Let me know in the comments what you like best! And check out the photo walk site in August to see shots from other participants around the world.

2. A clean game of chess

3. The bars of Zurich

4. Handling it all

5. Swiss scenes

6. First steps together

7. An apple a day 1

8. An apple a day 2

9. Church scenes

10. Fish out of water

11. River contemplations

12. Round the corner

13. Steps

14. Chess pieces

15. Defeat

16. Thirsty work

17... Woops! This is Kerrin! She and Nik were both on the walk as well! Nik already posted a lot of great shots (of us!) on Facebook from the event - here is one of my favorites... hopefully we will see more of their shots on their blogs!

Now - back to the matter at hand - which shot do you like? ;)
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Anonymous said...

I love the reflection shot -- reminds me of the Bean in Chicago. Love the photo of the man with the apple by the river too -- we used to feed the ducks and swans with leftover bread from dinner!

Little Bro said...

Definetly use the reflection shot, it has so much color and catches your eye right off. I though of the same thing as Anonymous, about the tear drop in Chicago downtown park. You can see the reflection of the whole city. I also like the wedding photo, it is unusual to shoot just the feet of a couple. The man Eating the apple would be another of my favoirtes, the only thing I would consider doing differently with it is cropping it in a little. You have so much of the image being taken up by the boats that you notice the man second. Yes they are out of focus but your eye is drawn to the subject last due to it not standing out by color or distinction. I would crop it in so the man is a little larger and the boat not as noticable but use the shot where you can see his face. It makes you look longer to notice his expression and not the back of his head.

Unknown said...

Oh these shots are incredible! What great fun. I hope to get back into some photo shoots with people again.. I've been too busy with sports lately..

I love your photos, can't decide, all are great... Let me think and get back to you!

Unknown said...

ok - it's numbers 1 and 9... Love that and 2 comes in third...

Susan May said...

I also like the reflection shot - I thought of the Bean at Millenium Park in Chicago immediately - also I like the man eating the apple, looking away. The Bride & Groom is a great shot -- seems like when we visit a new European city, we always come across a bridal couple taking photos in whatever park we are relaxing in at the time. My husband was out Saturday and saw 3 different sets of bridal couples! Basically all your shots are good - it looks like you had a great day.

Kay said...

i like #1 :)

hello from KL, Malaysia! :)

Kathy said...

I like all of these! I was so sorry that we had to be out of town and I couldn't come join the fun. It's hard to chose. I like the the reflection shot too, but also really like River Contemplations and An Apple a Day. You have to use The Bars of Zürich somewhere though.

Habemos Borogodó said...

I'm still amazed that you could get some dry minutes last Saturday.
1 and 6 are the ones I liked the most. Good luck!

Kylie said...

Great Shots Jessica!!I love seeing what catches your eye.
1, 2 & 8 are my favourites!! Good luck!

cik-zura said...

Amazing shots.. all of them. But if I have to choose.. I pick no. 1 and 8.

The Antiques Diva™ said...

You are an amazing PHOTOGRAPHER!!!! My vote goes to the clean chess board pic.

By the way, just this week I've had one of the unreal European expat experiences, on Sunday I ran into Bono then on Monday into the Queen Rania of Jordan!

Tomi said...

Nice shots Jessica, I really like them! My favorites are #4, #10 and #14. I've spent a lot of time yesterday (night actually) to sort through my shots from the photo walk but haven't had the time yet to post them. I'm looking forward to see all the Zurich pics joined in one big gallery.

Thanks for your comment on my blog and I'm curious which of your great shots you'll pick!

-- Tomi

Kerrin @ MyKugelhopf said...

so i'd like to know why no one picked #17 ?! i thought that was clearly the very best, by far ! haha! jessica, such amazing, beautiful, creative shots - you have quite the eye !! my favorite? well aside from #17 obviously, #1 all the way. it seems to be the favorite of your readers too. and you know what, there's a reason - it's pretty exceptional !! makes me rethink entering the contest...! ;) bravo !

Damon said...

good job,

Clean chess board is my fav

Anneliese said...

Great pictures! I vote for number 1 & 4

AB said...

A great bunch of photos. Every one is a gem.


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