Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Swiss Love. Ten things I love about Switzerland

So I created this bit of art about a year ago with my (at the time) new pen tablet and just found it on my computer yesterday. Oh you like it, too? Well, I will sell you a copy of this Picasso if you want. Just leave a comment. :)

I really like it because I remember doing it in a hurry and just throwing it aside, but for some reason it caught my attention and spoke to me... it said - inspiration is everywhere - forster your creativity and release positivity and create a list of things you love about Switzerland. Go ahead. Do it.

So I did. My Swiss Love List:
  1. I love speaking German. It used to be a pain in the butt in the beginning. I struggled. I did not cry but I probably wanted to at times. It is hard when you struggle to be understood, knowing you could easily rattle it off in English and probably be understood, but you persist because you want to learn the language. And I did. And it has paid off. I am constantly amazed at how it just flows now. I have to stop myself from time to time to make sure that what I am saying makes sense - because to be so seemingly fluent is still so shocking to me. I went to the doctor's yesterday and even she, having seen me a few times now, said my German rocked and it really made my day. Ahh to be able to speak another language. It is a gift - as Jace says. And I am really glad I got the opportunity to hone the skill here in Switzerland. Swiss German, you ask? Just don't ask... this is a love list after all.

  2. I love organization. Ok - for those of you who know me - tidiness and organization are not the same, so no judging now. But I love the feeling of going to the Doctor and having the appointment always start on time. I love that the train drops me off just in time for the bus to pick me up. So make that organization and efficiency. I love them both equally.

  3. I love being in the center of Europe. Check out the category on travel to see how much I relish this feature. We get out. We see. We conquer. It is good. I have made approximately 7 Blurb adventure books now. I love travel.

  4. I love eating fresh produce grown locally - sometimes from my own garden! I won't bore you all with garden updates here... but can you say fresh cherry tomatoes and sweet corn. Oh yeah. But I actually appreciate now that produce that is not in season is not on sale. This is how it should be.

  5. I love mountains and hiking and Wanderwegs. We should get out and do it more often. If only I weren't so lazy...

  6. I love snow. Bring on winter I say. This sweaty weather is starting to tire me. Then again, anything that is not rain is lovely in Switzerland.

  7. I love blogging... and photography. Both of which I can do and enjoy here and meet new people. Thanks, guys. Sniff, sniff.

  8. I love chocolate. Have you tried the seasonal white blueberry (from Frey Lindt I think)? Oh my it is devine. (Note to self... buy more of this tonight!) And the Rittersports. My how I love you. I think I could have named at least 10 pounds after you when I lived in Germany during my exchange 10 years ago now... I have found the Rittersport dark chocolate and peppermint now and it tastes better than a york peppermint patty. YUM! I also tried the Sprungli Mint Chocolate Luxemburgli last week (I know that is not chocolate, but...) and it is also DIVINE! Thank you Switzerland for enabling me to gain a few extra pounds and then (hopefully) walk it off.

  9. I love markets. I wish they had them every day. If only I could wake up early enough on Thursday mornings to go to the one in Urdorf. Heck - tomorrow is better than never. I will do it!

  10. I love visitors. I never had so many visitors as I will/do have in Switzerland. There is a draw. Perhaps everyone else loves Switzerland, too!
Blogs can sometimes be such a negative sounding board for expats... but really... what do you love? There must be something, or else we would all go home. :)

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JuanitaTortilla said...

Oh man, I tell this to people all the time: 15 months in Switzerland and loving it. Can't get enough of this place. OK, except for one thing...

(We all know what that is so I'm not going to say it.)

P.S. where have you been hiding this artist all this while? I mean, we've already seen the Green Fingers. What's next?

Habemos Borogodó said...

It really is a great place to live. I probably say to myself I love this country 2 or 3 times a week!

And congratulations on your German! So is it possible? The declinations will become natural some day?! Hearing that makes me more hopeful about my future here :-)

Chantal said...

I agree with everything you've said. Except possibly the German thing. I am still struggling with that. The whole Swiss German thing doesn't make it easy.

Audrey said...

Jonathan and I were JUST listing all the things we want to love about living in Zurich (as soon as find a way to land a job and move there!), and almost everything you mentioned was on our list, too. One of my big goals in life is to master another language. Of course, I've chosen French for now... we'll see how well that serves me now that we're job hunting. Haha! I love reading your blog because it's not a negative look at expat life. I can just tell you're getting a huge kick out of your adventure, and that attitude will always keep me coming back for more. :-)

Amanda said...

Great list! I'm with Chantal, though. #1 would not be on my list. I'd like it to be, but it's just not. What's your secret?

SwissTwist said...

This is an awesome post!! So much of what you love about CH would be on my list too!

Guillermo – CEO said...
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Anonymous said...

You did not go to the market on Thursday. Lazy girl!!!!!!

Kathy said...

I love the coffee, and the wine, and the cheese! I love how clean everything is, from supermarkets to streets. And I also like the orderliness. I love that you can get anywhere in the country without a car: I love the trains.

Thanks for the post. I am inspired to continue to struggle with German.But you should learn Swiss German--it's clearly the next step in your love affair with Switzerland :)

Jack said...

Thanks for sharing your list...especially Numbers 4, 8 (need to get you to try our chocolates this fall) and 9...

Kristi said...

I love how I don't have to buy bottled water. Water from the tap is mighty good.

kyle said...

I am in Switzerland right now visiting. Geneva, actually...we haven't heard anyone speaking German though. Where do you live?

PS. Found you randomly through BlogHer.

Kerrin @ MyKugelhopf said...

This list ROCKS and I could not agree more !! I would never be able to limit my list to only 10 things though ! ;)

That said, nein, German is not on my list. While I LOVE foreign languages, I just haven't had the time to devote myself to learning the language as I would like to. In due time...

Otherwise, you really wrote your list with me in mind (danke!) - organization, travel, blogging, photography, markets, hikes - and hellooooo chocolate ! Mmmm....!


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