Thursday, September 10, 2009

Knabenschiessen starts Saturday!

Just a quick heads up - you might have noticed that I have taken a leave of absence this week as I am entertaining my family that is visiting... I just wanted to let everyone know that in case you did not hear yet, Knabenschiessen starts on Saturday here in Zurich. I wrote about it last year - or at least the fact that I missed it... but I won't this year! Make sure you at least check out the big fair, or Chilbi in Swiss German, that starts on Saturday and goes through Monday, open from 11 am until late. I believe the event is at Albisgütli...? Is that correct? So whatever you do, don't miss the fair, ride some rides, eat some sweets, and enjoy a half day off on Monday!

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mrsmac said...

I have no idea where that is :-(

If you, or anyone else, could pretty please clarify the lication for a poor English speaker who can't find the location on the link you posted, I'd really appreciate it! Marion LOVES Chilbis!


mrsmac said...

never mind, finally figured it out :-)

for anyone else who may need it

Habebi said...

Oh goodness that looks like it's going to be a blast. Have lots of fun and eat tons of food! Can't wait for the report.

Habemos Borogodó said...

Thanks to your reminder I went there yesterday and had a great time :-)

Chantal said...

We checked out Knabenschiessen--thanks for the reminder. It was really interesting seeing how many kids were all shooting at once...We are also trying to go to the Alpabzug in Urnaesch--saw your comment on mrsmac's blog. Anyone know what time it starts?

Jessica said...

In the PDF I posted on the network, it says that it starts around 10:30 or so - that is when the first will be coming through. The Market is from 10 - 16:00. I think I am definately going with a work friend now, so perhaps we can meet up for lunch?!


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