Monday, October 5, 2009

We are moving back to Australia!

This is the post I thought would never come, but knew was eventually inevitable, such is the life of an expat. Jace and I, after much thought and deliberation, have decided to move back to Australia. Due to several factors, the timing is right. And while on one hand we are both sad to close this chapter of our cosmopolitan lives, on the other we are really excited to open the next by returning to Jace's home of Perth, Australia and trying our hand at planting some roots...

Let's cut to the chase though as you must have questions, and I have prepared some answers to those questions that we seem to get a lot of now that the word is out.
When are you leaving?
We will be leaving at the end of November. That gives us a few more weeks to enjoy Fall in Switzerland, tie up our professional lose ends, and pack a lot of stuff.

Can I have your stuff?
Nope. Sorry. We are taking it with us... it was a big (expensive) decision which I question daily and will no doubt chronicle here, but no, this is my toaster and I am taking it with me.

I want to live in Switzerland... can I have your job? your apartment?
Um, as for the job, it is on I have no influence in who gets it, but I can highly recommend it. As for the apartment, I believe it is still available and in Urdorf. We loved it and can highly recommend living in Urdorf... As for living in Switzerland in general - I recommend you throw your hat in the ring if you get an opportunity to live abroad. It is a wonderful experience, and if you don't try, you'll never know... so just do it !

What is going to happen to the blog? Who will write it now?
Well, that is a good question. I definitely cannot write a "Swiss" story blog from Australia, but my blogging days are far from over. I have a few ideas in the back of my head for a new blog (Note to self - need cool new blog name...suggestions welcome...) and let's face it - it will still be an Expat blog (me being American and all- or an Ami as the Aussies say). I am hoping all of you will come along and join me for the virtual ride. This blog will remain online so that future expats can still benefit from the wealth that is Swisstory. And the Swiss Expat Blog Network will stay, too, and I will no doubt be checking in although I will obviously be taking a less active role.

Are you sad to go?
Yes. Of course. Living in Europe was a dream come true for us. I still have a long list of things to see and people to do... scratch that, reverse it... but let's face it, we are still in our 20's. We have some time, right?! ;) I see retirement cruises in the Mediterranean in our future... if not earlier vacations/adventures!

You just got the handle on your German and now you are leaving?!
Well, I know. That sucks doesn't it? Or should I say, "Das ist total doof, oder? Es macht mich auch verrückt." But that is cool - I am already taking applications a la Paris Hilton for my new Super Cool German Speaking Aussie Best friend. Please contact me for details. ;)

What are you going to do in Perth?
I am looking at online marketing/digital roles in Perth. If you have an opportunity for me, let me know. I am available to rock your digital world as of December 2009. Otherwise, we will be living it up in our house that has been waiting for us these last few years - albeit in the hands of what I hear are clean freak renters (thank you, we love you), dreaming of our future labrador puppy whose name I will spare you for the time-being, and no doubt Jace will be keeping my long list of Asian vacation plans in check.
Got another question - post it in the comments and I will answer it here.

So that's it. We're leaving. Ho hum. But -until we leave and probably even into 2010, I will continue to blog about our lives in Switzerland and the process of returning home... after all, the blog has to come full circle eventually and the harmony in that gives me good Chi and Zen and super Shui feelings simultaneously.

I thank you all for following us in our expat adventures, especially those of you who have taken the time to connect via email, comments, in person or on the network, and I look forward to sharing our new adventures down under with you in a new blog soon. Until then, let's continue our Swisstory adventures, shall we? ;)
Tweet-tweet. I am now on Twitter. Follow me!


Habemos Borogodó said...

I feel strange after reading this. Swisstory was the first blog I started following before moving here, so I feel kind of an expat orphan now. We will miss you!

But I know goodbyes are part of the expat life and wish you both all the luck and happiness in your new old home. I will certainly be following your adventures from here.

Jessica said...

Hey Carla, thanks! I apprciate that. I have always joked to Jace that I would be saddest to tell the Blogosphere that we were leaving, but really - it is true! I am going to miss Switzerland and writing about our experiences here and the people like you that I have connected with because of the blog... thanks again for your kind comments, Carla!

JuanitaTortilla said...

My jaw is literally on the floor. Please, help me pick it up.

Wait, you are serious, right.

Alrighty, we all respect your decision. We'd all love to hear more about shrimp on the barby's and scorpions in the outbacks. Sigh.

Jessica said...

Hey Juanita, thanks. I am sorry, but it for real... pick up that jaw now, it is all going to be ok. :)

I am sad to be leaving Europe, too, but happy for the next new adventure in Australia... and you said, there will be lots of Shrimp (or Prawns as my Aussie friends would have me say) on the Barbie to report on... :) And I have a great story about scorpions!!!! Just you wait!

Kathy said...

You will *really* be missed. You've done so much to build community and have offered so much good advice through your blog.

Glad to hear you're planning to blog your next adventure! And also congrats on the move, good luck, and best wishes.

Rebecca said...

Oh no, I've only just found you and our Swiss adventure doesn't even start until February!

How sad for so many of us, but as I'm sure you know, Perth is "the best place on earth"

Good luck to you both & thanks for this great blog.

Chantal said...

You will be missed in the Swiss blogging community. Thanks for organizing us!

Michelle Gilmore said...

As sad as I am that I will no longer get to read your Swiss blog .... it is overshadowed by the joy to have to living down the road from me again!!

I think I have been very patient over the past 4+ years so it'll be great to have you both back in Perth.

Anything I can do on this end to make the move smoother, just say the word. I have never evicted tenants before but I am more than happy to help pack their bags / show them the door so you and Jace can move back in :-)

Anneliese said...

I'll miss reading your Swiss blog, but look forward to reading about your adventures in Australia-somewhere I haven't been yet! All the best for the move.

N said...

Noooooooooooooooo...I really enjoyed reading your blog though I rarely comment. I have learned so much about the German part of Switzerland.

Thank you for sharing your wonderful stories and experiences. I wish you two the best in your new adventure and I'm looking forward to read more of it.

Take care.

Susan said...

Like Carla, Swisstory was the first blog I read when I moved to Zurich, and it has been very helpful AND entertaining. You will be missed, Jessica! I look forward to hearing about life back in Australia. God bless.

mrsmac said...

i barely met you and now you are leaving?! well, i guess your canned pumpkin can be a goodbye present. :(

Audrey said...

This will complete your arc... at least the arc that I've been coveting since I found your blog more than a year ago! :-) Best of luck in Perth. Thank you for blogging... your Swisstory has been fun, funny, and a joy to read any day. :-)

Jerky said...

Too bad... I really enjoyed your stories and the refreshing outside view on our Country. I wish you all the best, Jessica!


rswb said...

Ami? Don't we say Seppo? Maybe "ami" is a Perth thing.

Habebi said...

Yay and boo all at the same time! I've enjoyed Swisstory SO much- I will miss it. But, you all need to do what is best for you guys and you're right- it isn't as if you are never going back to Europe.

So boo to missing Swisstory and yay for you all and your next adventure. I will totally follow your blog if you choose to write one about living in Oz land. Good luck with packing and getting things sorted. Best wishes to both of you!

Anonymous said...

It's been great following your adventures all these years after Adenau and beyond. God bless and hopefully the move will go well for and Jace. I'm looking forward to your new Western Australian adventures!

Tina said...

Wow Jessica! I am so happy for you! I am sure Perth will be a wonderful place to live and you'll be so much closer to family! I jealous you'll be so close to SE Asia for traveling adventures there!

Your blog updates will be missed - but I am sure a new blog will be even better! Get your traveling in Europe in while you can!!!

If I ever make it to visiting Australia - I'm looking you up!

Emma said...

Jessica, have loved your blog!
If you have to leave Switzerland, Oz is a pretty great place to go! I still miss it ~ all the very best :)

Kristi said...

Holy crapstick! I only have a magic phone as we wait on our Internet connection but I saw this and decided to whip out the mini keyboard I loathe typing on. I am happy, sad and shocked! I wish you and Jace all the best. So many new adventures await you in oz. Hopefully we can meet up before you leave the land of chocolate and cheese.

Stephersplatz said...

I'm really going to miss your blog. It was one of the first that I started following shortly after I moved here. You don't know how helpful your articles have been...especially in the beginning with things like what to do with the wires hanging out of the ceiling, how to work the train ticket machines, and how to apply for a Swiss drivers liscence.
Thanks so much!
I wish you the best of luck in your new adventure and I look forward to hearing stories about about living in Australia!

Jessica said...

Thanks to everyone for all the wonderful comments. It really means a lot to me to know that all that I put out into the blogosphere is being read and enjoyed by all of you. It really encourages me to keep sharing my experiences abroad and to create a new blog for Australia.

I am glad that I was able to help those new to Zürich on occassion with tips and hints and I hope that the blog will remain a resource for future expats in Switzerland...

About 8 more weeks to go! So I look forward to blogging about the leaving experience and imparting some knowledge on leaving Switzerland as well...

Thanks again everyone! I loved reading your comments!

Sean said...

Jessica... kind of created a legacy already.... I have an application in for Australia (Sydney) and will likely be there in the next year or two also, and therefore I can relate alot to your post. I have also been in Switzerland for almost the same time as you. Never met you but enjoyed your blog immensely. Will keep enjoying it as long as you keep posting....

Sean said...

... .oh and sorry.... best of luck for the move. You really need to keep writing and keeping up to date with everything...

Amanda said...

Aw, Jessica. This post is so bittersweet. I am so happy for you both, yet so sad for all of us you are leaving behind. As so many others have said, your insights have been so helpful, even to those living outside of Zurich. We truly are losing a Swiss Expat blogging legend. I am so thankful for all that you have done for us: organizing events, creating the network, and showering us with such refreshing posts. I'm glad you will continue to blog in Australia, and I certainly look forward to following you on your next adventure. Best wishes!!

Jack said...

sad we didn't have a chance to cross least this time around...what's going to happen to your garden?

Katie said...

Swisstory is an amazing blog, Jessica. And, I have no doubt that your new chapter in Perth will give you plenty of things to blog about. I will be moving to Zurich in April after my wedding (my fiance currently lives there), and I feel so much more prepared because of your blog. Thank you!

I have a favor to ask ... will you keep this blog on the web (translated: please don't disable it!)? There is so much great information in here - and there's no doubt that I will tap into it prior to my move - and once I'm there. If not, I'll scour your blog and pull down all the information I need now - but figured it couldn't hurt to ask the question.

We will miss reading your Swiss stories, Jessica. Best of luck on your move :)

Unknown said...

Noooo Jessica, say it ain't so! Like Carla, I too felt strange after reading this. You were the first site I read about moving to Zurich. You have been such a great resource for us. This is such a loss for the Expat community, but a gain for Perth. Thanks for all the tips and pics.
I'm glad we got to meet during the bloggers meet up in April.
All the best to you!

Unknown said...

Wow Jess - I think I feel the same way when I knew it was my time to leave. It's sad and you have so much you want to accomplish in such a short amount of time...

Good luck with it all and yes it will be sad to see this blog get slower but I do hope your new expat blog will be super cool too!

Look at all of your comments.

The Antiques Diva™ said...

HOLY COW!! THIS IS HUGE NEWS and in the busy-ness of the last month I missed it!!!! You, my dear, will be missed, but I suspect they "can't keep a good blogger down" - I can't wait til I stumble upon your next blog!!!!
All the best and most success to you and yours,

Unknown said...

Bit of a long-time lurker, just wanting to leave some thanks for your blog.

I've been holidaying for the last few months and only just caught up with your move.

Living in Perth with a Labrador myself, also nearing the end of my 20's, it is amazing to hear that you're coming here for what I seemingly have and I've been considering that I will at some time in the future be moving to what you are leaving.

Ironic, really.

But good luck! And thanks for days of reading :)

Shipping to Australia said...

No wonder Australia is the top destination for immigration these days.


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