Monday, April 27, 2009

First Ever Zurich Bloggers Meetup - PART 1

Amanda and Isaiah - the brains behind the meet-up
Yesterday was our first ever Swiss Bloggers Meetup in Zurich and it was actually a two part event.

Some of the bloggers that RSVPed early on met up at the GOOGLE OFFICES in Zürich - YES! IT WAS AWESOME! (full write up tomorrow - just waiting for the pic from Kerrin!!!)- for a super duper tour, and then we carried on to the meet up with the rest of the bloggers and Blog lovers at Cafe Balthazaar on Bahnhofstrasse. I have to say... IT WAS TOTALLY AWESOME! I am still on a buzz. Everyone was so great to meet, and if felt like we all already knew each other from sharing our lives and loves in Switzerland on our respective blogs.

Vivian, Karen, Jeese, Gwenyth, Virginia,
Romy and Edie - Bloggers and Blog lovers at the Cafe post Google tour...

We had a excellent turnout - mostly brilliant, inspiring women - but a lot of super blog supporting husbands were also in attendance (thanks Jace!). Here the attendees listen attentively as we did a round robin of who's who and who writes what. It was so surreal to put real flesh and bones to blog writing superheros.

After following Tina on her adventures in Cinque Terra and around Geneva (thanks again for making the trek for the meet-up!), it was great to meet her and her husband Rob. We are so going over to the dark side - and by that I mean the French side of CH- and visiting. Just you wait and see! ;)

And my first blogger first date, Juanita, was in attendance and handing out goodies in the form of pins promoting her awesome shop on Etsy. So talented that girl - even if she can't slide down a pole... more on that tomorrow. Jace also loved meeting Kylie, another Aussie, who has a really fun perspective on living and working as a Swiss Aupair. We will definately need to work together more for the greater good of informing peeps on where to find alternatives for sausage rolls and lamingtons in Switzerland. It is our civic duty! ;)

I am so amazed by Jesse. Not only did she run the Zürich marathon that morning before joining us, but her smile and personality are infectious. I feel there are many more hilarious encounters around the corner and I hope I am a part of some of them! ;) (Oh and Kristy, I thank you for telling your daughter to come to the blogger meet up. I owe you one! I hope you will comment on Swisstory one day, too! ;)

A lot of newbies and blog lovers also attended - like Vivian, Karen and Romy. What a gorgeous group of blog lovers, right? It was great to meet you, ladies. I am looking forward to catching up on your blog, too, Remy!

Edie, above, and Paul (not above) also came to get the inside scoop about living and working in Switzerland. Paul already works in Schaffhausen and has five star office digs on the falls - so jealous! I hope that you post your blog here, Edie, to share and good luck on the pending move. I hope we can help you adjust in the coming months - and I think it was pretty obvious from the meet up that a lot of us really love Zürich!

The guy in the shot above is Sebastian, the awesome waiter at Cafe Balthazaar that gave us the red carpet treatment. They also let us totally take over the place... great little cafe on Bahnhofstrasse - with great Apfelstrudel, of course...

I unfortunately did not get shots of everyone - but here are the blogs of all the attendees in case you want to read something new! Thanks again to Amanda and Isaiah for the great idea to meet up. I think everyone had a great time and we cannot wait for the next event and the network... more details to come this week!

Bloggers at the meet-up with blogs:
This is an essential and the latest edition is due out in July. Pre-Order your copy today! Living and Working in Switzerland, 12th Edition: A Survival Handbook


Gwenyth Hardiman said...

Such a great afternoon! Seriously, I ♥ the expat community in Zurich. It was fabulous to meet everyone and I'm already looking forward to the next event. Great pics!

Kerrin - MyKugelhopf said...

Awesome write-up and photos too, totally captured the day! It was fantastic to make familiar names now familiar faces. Lots of blogs to check out, I can't wait. But my first bit of homework - send that Google picture on, got it! It's on its way... Can't wait for your post, part 2 !

Kristy said...

It was so great to see my daughter, thank you for that . . it was like a little gift, no pun on your height Jessie.
What a great idea for all of you to get together.
Great blog by the way.
The Young Travelers Mother,

JuanitaTortilla said...

Get famous by being on the Swisstory blog... Check.

Virginia said...

Yay Swiss Blog Lovers! It was so nice to meet everyone and experience the positive energy of Zurich expats. Cafe Balthazaar was a great choice too; I loved my first taste of Flamekuchen.

Habemos Borogodó said...

Can't wait for the next meeting :-)

Tina said...

:Ditto Juanita:

Oh yes - come to the dark side. mwahaaha.

Tons of fun - thanks for the post! Since you posted a big pic of me - I posted a big pic of you :) woohoo!

Chantal said...

Sorry to miss out but glad you all had a blast!

Romy said...

Hi Jessica

Thanks for the great writeup and pics! Just a small correction - my name is actually spelled with an "o" (Romy) and my blog is

Excited to read everyone's blogs!

Jessica said...

Woops! Sorry, Romy. All fixed. :)

Young Traveler said...

Jessica rocks my world! Great commentary and SO nice to meet all of you. Can't wait to do it again.


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