All Swiss Expat Bloggers are welcome to join - and I actually invite you to! This is a community for us to share information and plan events.
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The network is private, so membership is by invite only to start. This keeps our events private and secure to members only... but we can always change this later if we want to open the flood gates. :) If you were at the event on Sunday, your invitation is coming soon. Otherwise, please email me (jessica(at)swisstoryblog.com) and I will send you an invite!
If you have any questions or comments, please contact me or Amanda. Thanks!
This is an essential and the latest edition is due out in July. Pre-Order your copy today! Living and Working in Switzerland, 12th Edition: A Survival Handbook
Cool, i'm in !! Thanks for the invite! And hey, did you get my Google picture yesterday ? Looking forward to your part 2 post... Still a bit sad I didn't make the photo highlights in part 1 :( (just kidding around)
Yes! I got the photo but did not get around to posting last night. I will have to do it tonight!
I am surprised I did not get many shots of you at the event. The ones I got were good but I did not think they were good enough... eyes half open and blurry, etc. We will just have to do better next time! :)
The latest, 12th, edition of the "Living and Working in Switzerland: A Survival Handbook" is already available at http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/1905303459?ie=UTF8&tag=ebabe-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=1905303459
This is fantastic, thank you!! I was looking for something like this. I wonder if there is a Ning group for European bloggers in general?
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